Document Type
- Article (6)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
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- yes (7)
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- no (7)
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- Blood supply (2)
- COVID-19 (2)
- Demographic change (2)
- Allogeneic blood (1)
- Allogeneic transfusion (1)
- Blood donation (1)
- Blood safety (1)
- Blood transfusion (1)
- Blutbedarf, Transfusion, demographischer Wandel (1)
- S. Karger AG (3)
- MDPI (2)
- Wiley (1)
Background: Securing future blood supply is a major issue of transfusion safety. In this prospective 10-year longitudinal study we enrolled all blood donation services and hospitals of the federal state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Methods and Results: From 2005 to 2015 (time period with major demographic effects), whole blood donation numbers declined by 18%. In male donors this paralleled the demographic change, while donation rates of females declined 12.4% more than expected from demography. In parallel, red cell transfusion rates/1,000 population decreased from 2005 to 2015 from 56 to 51 (-8.4%), primarily due to less transfusions in patients >60 years. However, the transfusion demand declined much less than blood donation numbers: -13.5% versus -18%, and the population >65 years (highest transfusion demand) will further increase. The key question is whether the decline in transfusion demand observed over the previous years will further continue, hereby compensating for reduced blood donation numbers due to the demographic change. The population structure of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania reflects all Eastern German federal states, while the Western German federal states will reach similar ratios of age groups 18-64 years / ≥65 years about 10 years later. Conclusions: Regular monitoring of age- and sex-specific donation and transfusion data is urgently required to allow transfusion services strategic planning for securing future blood supply.
Background: Annual transfusion rates in many European countries range between 25 and 35 red blood cell concentrates (RBCs)/1,000 population.It is unclear why transfusion rates in Germany are considerably higher (approx. 50–55 RBCs/1,000 population). Methods: We assessed the characteristics of transfusion recipients at all hospitals of the German federal state Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania during a 10-year longitudinal study. Results: Although 75% of patients received ≤4 RBCs/patient in 2015 (1 RBC: 11.3%; 2 RBCs: 42.6%; 3 RBCs: 6.3%; 4 RBCs: 15.0%), the mean transfusion index was 4.6 RBCs due to a minority of patients with a high transfusion demand. Two thirds of all RBCs were transfused to only 25% of RBC recipients. Consistently, male patients received a higher number of RBCs (2005: 54.2%; 2015: 56.8%) and had a higher mean transfusion index than female patients (mean 5.1 ± 7.2; median 2; inter-quartile range [IQR] 2–4 vs. mean 4.0 ± 5.8; median 2; IQR 2–4). The absolute transfusion demand decreased between 2005 and 2015 by 13.5% due to a composite of active reduction (clinical practice change) and population decline in the 65- to 75-year age group (lower birth rate cohort 1940–1950); however, with major differences between hospitals (range from –61.0 to +41.4%). Conclusion: Transfusion demand in a population could largely be driven by patients with high transfusion demand. Different treatment practices in this group of patients probably add to the major differences in transfusion demand per 1,000 individuals between countries. The available data cannot prove this hypothesis. Implementation of a diagnosis-related group-based monitoring system is urgently needed to allow informative monitoring on the population level and meaningful comparisons between transfusion practices.
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Auswirkungen des demographischen Wandels auf die
Blutversorgung in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (MV) zu analysieren. Dabei sollten
Grundlagen für die Entwicklung von gesundheitspolitischen Strategien geschaffen
werden, um einem Defizit in der Versorgung entgegenwirken zu können.
Durch eine prospektive Longitudinalstudie mit Daten zu allen Vollblutspendern und
Empfängern von Erythrozytenkonzentraten (EK) in MV in den Jahren 2005, 2010 und
2015 wird die Versorgungskette vollständig abgebildet. Derartige Informationen liegen
zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt für kein anderes Bundesland vor.
Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die demographischen Veränderungen durch eine
Abnahme der Spenderzahlen zu einem ausgeprägten Rückgang der Vollblutspenden
geführt haben (-18,0%). Dies wird verstärkt durch einen Rückgang der Spendebereitschaft
um -10,6% insbesondere bei den <30-Jährigen. Gleichzeitig konnte trotz
alternder Bevölkerung auch der Blutbedarf dank des medizinischen Fortschritts um
13,5% reduziert werden. Dennoch deckten bereits im Jahr 2015 die gewonnenen
Blutspenden nur noch knapp den Blutbedarf der Patienten. Die durchgeführten Vorausberechnungen
für 2030 lassen erwarten, dass es mit einem Defizit von circa
18.000 EK zu erheblichen Versorgungsproblemen im Bundesland kommen wird,
wenn Spendebereitschaft und Transfusionsbedarf auf dem Niveau von 2015 verbleiben.
Die demographische Situation Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns ist denen der westlichen
Bundesländer Deutschlands circa 10 Jahre voraus. Damit nimmt Mecklenburg-
Vorpommern als Modellregion eine Vorreiterrolle bezüglich der Bewältigung der
damit einhergehenden Herausforderungen für die Blutversorgung ein. Um den Blutbedarf
der Patienten langfristig und überregional decken zu können, wird in Zukunft
eine noch engere interdisziplinäre Kooperation von Blutspendediensten, Krankenhäusern
und Gesundheitspolitik sowohl auf Landes- als auch Bundesebene notwendig
“Blood for Blood”? Personal Motives and Deterrents for Blood Donation in the German Population
Background and Objectives: Vaccine induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) may occur after COVID-19 vaccination with recombinant adenoviral vector-based vaccines. VITT can present as cerebral sinus and venous thrombosis (CSVT), often complicated by intracranial hemorrhage. Today it is unclear, how long symptomatic VITT can persist. Here, we report the complicated long-term course of a VITT patient with extremely high titers of pathogenic anti-platelet factor 4 (PF4)-IgG antibodies. Methods: Clinical and laboratory findings are presented, including the course of platelet counts, D-Dimer levels, clinical presentation, imaging, SARS-CoV-2-serological and immunological, platelet activating anti-PF4-IgG, as well as autopsy findings. Results: The patient presented with extended superior sagittal sinus thrombosis with accompanying bifrontal intracerebral hemorrhage. Repeated treatment with intravenous immune globuline (IVIG) resolved recurrent episodes of thrombocytopenia. Moreover, the patient’s serum remained strongly positive for platelet-activating anti-PF4-IgG over three months. After a period of clinical stabilization, the patient suffered a recurrent and fatal intracranial hemorrhage. Conclusions: Complicated VITT with extremely high anti-PF4-IgG titers over three months can induce recurrent thrombocytopenia despite treatment with IVIG and anticoagulation. Plasma exchange, immunoadsorption, and /or immunosuppressive treatment may be considered in complicated VITT to reduce extraordinarily high levels of anti-PF4-IgG. Long-term therapy in such cases must take the individual bleeding risk and CSVT risk into account.
Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) is a prothrombotic, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)-mimicking, adverse reaction caused by platelet-activating anti-platelet factor 4 (PF4) antibodies that occurs rarely after adenovirus vector-based COVID-19 vaccination. Strength of PF4-dependent enzyme immunoassay (EIA) reactivity—judged by optical density (OD) measurements—strongly predicts platelet-activating properties of HIT antibodies in a functional test. Whether a similar relationship holds for VITT antibodies is unknown.
To evaluate probability for positive platelet activation testing for VITT antibodies based upon EIA OD reactivity; and to investigate simple approaches to minimize false-negative platelet activation testing for VITT.
All samples referred for VITT testing were systematically evaluated by semiquantitative in-house PF4/heparin-EIA (OD readings) and PF4-induced platelet activation (PIPA) testing within a cohort study. EIA-positive sera testing PIPA-negative were retested following 1/4 to 1/10 dilution. Logistic regression was performed to predict the probability of a positive PIPA per magnitude of EIA reactivity.
Greater EIA ODs in sera from patients with suspected VITT correlated strongly with greater likelihood of PIPA reactivity. Of 61 sera (with OD values >1.0) testing negative in the PIPA, a high proportion (27/61, 44.3%) became PIPA positive when tested at 1/4 to 1/10 dilution.
VITT serology resembles HIT in that greater EIA OD reactivity predicts higher probability of positive testing for platelet-activating antibodies. Unlike the situation with HIT antibodies, however, diluting putative VITT serum increases probability of a positive platelet activation assay, suggesting that optimal complex formation depends on the stoichiometric ratio of PF4 and anti-PF4 VITT antibodies.