Document Type
- Article (4)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (5)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (5)
- - (3)
- Sepsis (3)
- CASP model (2)
- Morphologic changes (2)
- Sepsis score (2)
- Small animal MRI (2)
- Aminoglykosidantibiotikum (1)
- Antibiotikum (1)
- Immune dysfunction (1)
- Intravitalmikroskopie (1)
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) is a life-threatening complication of sepsis. In surgical ICUs, DIC is frequently caused by abdominal sepsis, and the disarranged coagulation and complications often lead to death. The severity of sepsis is associated with a higher DIC score according to the parameters proposed by the International Society of Hemostasis and Thrombosis (ISTH) in 2001: platelet count, bleeding time (Quick), D-dimer, and fibrinogen. One problem in studying DIC is finding an adequate animal model that reflects the clinical situation of polymicrobial overwhelming infection.
Aims and methods
We investigated whether a well-established polymicrobial sepsis model of colon ascendens stent peritonitis (CASP) is suited to investigate the complexity of DIC. For this purpose, CASP-operated mice were examined 20 h after the operation with regard to coagulation parameters using cell counts, bleeding times, rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM), ELISAs for D-dimer and fibrinogen, and platelet accumulation in affected organs via immunohistochemistry to see if the mice develop a coagulation disorder that meets the definition of DIC proposed by the ISTH 2001 consensus conference.
Herein, we showed that the CASP model is an all-encompassing animal model to analyze the complexity of systemic DIC in murine abdominal sepsis. There is highly reproducible thrombocytopenia, a significant prolongation of the bleeding time, and a loss of fibrinogen in plasma. We also observed microvascular thrombosis due to platelet accumulation in the microcirculation of the liver.
The CASP model seems superior to other artificial models, e.g., injecting substances, for inducing DIC. CASP is one of the best true-to-life models for analyzing the complexity of disseminated intravascular coagulation in polymicrobial sepsis.
Tobramycin und Imipenem sind zwei im klinischen Alltag häufig eingesetzte Medikamente, insbesondere in der Therapie einer Sepsis. Antibiotika können neben der antimikrobiellen Wirkung, anti-/proinflammatorische Effekte haben. Die klinische Relevanz dieser Studie besteht darin, einen Beitrag zum weiteren Verständnis der Wirkungen einer antibiotischen Therapie zu leisten. Potentielle Nebenwirkungen bei der Auswahl einer Antibiose mit dem Wissen, dass die intestinale Mikrozirkulation die wichtigste Rolle bei der Entwicklung eines septischen Organversagens spielt, sollten gezielt untersucht werden. Dazu wurden intravitalmikroskopische Untersuchungen der Darmwand am terminalen Ileum der gesunden Ratte durchgeführt. Die Vitalparameter wurden erfasst, der intestinale mikrovaskuläre Blutfluss gemessen. Zu Beginn und zum Abschluß des Experimentes wurden die Zytokinspiegel bestimmt. Imipenem in Kombination mit Cilastatin verminderte die funktionelle Kapillardichte und den intestinalen mikrovaskulären Blutfluss in der gesunden Ratte, die Leukozyten–Endothel-Interaktion war vermindert. Tobramycin hatte keine Auswirkungen auf die funktionelle Kapillardichte. In den postkapillären Venolen waren vermehrt aktivierte Leukozyten nachweisbar. Weder Imipenem noch Tobramycin hatten Auswirkungen auf die Makrohämodynamik. Die Zytokinspiegel blieben, mit Ausnahme von erniedrigten IL-10-Spiegeln nach Tobramycingabe, unbeeinflusst. Es ist bekannt, dass Imipenem und Tobramycin neben ihren antibiotischen Wirkungen auch immunmodulatorische Fähigkeiten haben. Die reduzierte Kapillardichte in der gesunden Ratte nach Zienamgabe könnte durch die Auswirkungen des obligat mit Imipenem kombinierten Zusatzstoffs Cilastatin erklärt werden. Der erhöhte Anteil an fest adhärenten Leukozyten nach Tobramycingabe stützt die bekannten, teils kontrovers diskutierten, Einflüsse von Aminoglykosiden direkt auf Leukozyten. Inwiefern diese Effekte durch die Antibiose auf die kommensale Besiedlung verursacht werden, lässt sich durch die vorliegende Arbeit nicht klären. Weitere tierexperimentelle Arbeiten sollten die kombinierten Stoffe Imipenem und Cilastatin getrennt untersuchen.
Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques are rarely used in the context of abdominal sepsis and in sepsis research. This study investigates the impact of MRI for monitoring septic peritonitis in an animal model (colon ascendens stent-induced peritonitis, CASP). The CASP model closely mimics that of human disease and is highly standardized. The most frequently employed readout parameter in mouse CASP studies is prolonged or decreased rate of survival. Monitoring the progression of peritonitis via MRI could provide a helpful tool in the evaluation of severity. The use of alternative readout systems could very well reduce the number of research animals. Perspectively, clinical improvement after certain treatment could be classified. Methods: This study describes for the first time MRI findings following the induction of septic peritonitis in mice using the CASP model. Two sublethal groups of mice with septic peritonitis were investigated. Each had received one of two differing stent diameters in order to control the leakage of feces into the abdominal cavity. Each mouse served as its own control. Imaging and analyses were performed blinded. Gut diameters, stomach volume, abdominal organ wall diameters, and volume of the adrenal glands were measured. Serum corticosterone levels were detected using ELISA. Serum IL-6, TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-10 levels were screened by cytometric bead array. Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test for nonparametric probes and the Kruskal-Wallis and t tests. Results: Using a 7-tesla MRI scanner 24 and 48 h after induction of septic peritonitis, interenteric fluid, organ swelling of spleen and adrenal glands, as well as dilatation of the stomach were compared to nonseptic conditions. Swelling of adrenal glands resulted in an increased serum corticosterone level. In addition, the wall of the intestine bowel was thickened. Based upon these findings, an MRI score (MRI sepsis score, MSS) for abdominal sepsis in mice was established. Reduced stent sizes led to reduced severity of the abdominal sepsis, which could be reproduced in the MSS, which is described here for the first time. Conclusions: Intraabdominal variations during septic peritonitis are detectable by MRI techniques. MRI methods should become a more important tool for the evaluation of abdominal peritonitis. MSS could provide an interesting tool for the evaluation of therapeutic strategies.
Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques are rarely used in the context of abdominal sepsis and in sepsis research. This study investigates the impact of MRI for monitoring septic peritonitis in an animal model (colon ascendens stent-induced peritonitis, CASP). The CASP model closely mimics that of human disease and is highly standardized. The most frequently employed readout parameter in mouse CASP studies is prolonged or decreased rate of survival. Monitoring the progression of peritonitis via MRI could provide a helpful tool in the evaluation of severity. The use of alternative readout systems could very well reduce the number of research animals. Perspectively, clinical improvement after certain treatment could be classified. Methods: This study describes for the first time MRI findings following the induction of septic peritonitis in mice using the CASP model. Two sublethal groups of mice with septic peritonitis were investigated. Each had received one of two differing stent diameters in order to control the leakage of feces into the abdominal cavity. Each mouse served as its own control. Imaging and analyses were performed blinded. Gut diameters, stomach volume, abdominal organ wall diameters, and volume of the adrenal glands were measured. Serum corticosterone levels were detected using ELISA. Serum IL-6, TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-10 levels were screened by cytometric bead array. Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test for nonparametric probes and the Kruskal-Wallis and t tests. Results: Using a 7-tesla MRI scanner 24 and 48 h after induction of septic peritonitis, interenteric fluid, organ swelling of spleen and adrenal glands, as well as dilatation of the stomach were compared to nonseptic conditions. Swelling of adrenal glands resulted in an increased serum corticosterone level. In addition, the wall of the intestine bowel was thickened. Based upon these findings, an MRI score (MRI sepsis score, MSS) for abdominal sepsis in mice was established. Reduced stent sizes led to reduced severity of the abdominal sepsis, which could be reproduced in the MSS, which is described here for the first time. Conclusions: Intraabdominal variations during septic peritonitis are detectable by MRI techniques. MRI methods should become a more important tool for the evaluation of abdominal peritonitis. MSS could provide an interesting tool for the evaluation of therapeutic strategies.
Background: Abdominal surgery is frequently followed by immune dysfunction usually lasting for several days. This is especially important in cases with tumour diseases as an intact immune function is essential in this situation. Therefore, we analysed the outcome of tumour-bearing mice in a mouse model of surgically induced immune dysfunction (SID). Methods: In male C57BL/6 mice, a pancreatic tumour was implanted orthotopically. Following tumour implantation, the model of SID was applied. The control groups were either laparotomised or underwent no surgical procedure. The survival rate was determined by observation for >60 days. The tumour growth progress was imaged by a 7-tesla small animal MRI. Results: On day 60 after tumour implantation, the survival rate in SID mice was reduced to 41%. In the laparotomised group, 81% of mice survived, while the control group had a survival rate of 75%. These differences were significant (SID vs. control: p < 0.02, and SID vs. laparotomy: p < 0.002). The tumour volume was not influenced by the degree of surgical trauma. Conclusion: In pancreatic cancer, the SID model is ideally suited to investigate the influence of SID on this tumour entity.