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- Chronic kidney disease (3)
- Primary care (2)
- chronic kidney disease (2)
- Acute gout (1)
- Alzheimer’s clinical syndrome (1)
- Ambulante Versorgung (1)
- Ambulatory care (1)
- Angiotensin (1–7) (1)
- Angiotensin I-converting enzyme 2 (1)
- BioMed Central (BMC) (3)
- MDPI (3)
- Springer Nature (2)
- Elsevier (1)
- S. Karger AG (1)
- Wiley (1)
Given the increasing prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and its impact on health care, it is important to better understand the multiple factors influencing health-related quality of life (HRQOL), particularly since they have been shown to affect CKD outcomes. Determinants of HRQOL as measured by the validated Kidney Disease Quality of Life questionnaire (KDQOL) and the Patient Health Questionnaire depression screener (PHQ-9) were assessed in a routine CKD patient sample, the Greifswald Approach to Individualized Medicine (GANI_MED) renal cohort (N = 160), including a wide range of self-reported data, sociodemographic and laboratory measures. Compared to the general population, CKD patients had lower HRQOL indices. Dialysis was associated with (1) low levels of physical functioning, (2) increased impairments by symptoms and problems, and (3) more effects and burden of kidney disease. HRQOL is seriously affected in CKD patients. However, impairments were found irrespective of eGFR decline and albuminuria. Rather, the comorbid conditions of depression and diabetes predicted a lower HRQOL (physical component score). Further studies should address whether recognizing and treating depression may not only improve HRQOL but also promote survival and lower hospitalization rates of CKD patients.
Clinical practice guidelines recommend specialist referral according to different criteria. The aim was to assess recommended and observed referral rate and health care expenditure according to recommendations from:
• Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO,2012)
• National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE,2014)
• German Society of Nephrology/German Society of Internal Medicine (DGfN/DGIM,2015)
• German College of General Practitioners and Family Physicians (DEGAM,2019)
• Kidney failure risk equation (NICE,2021)
Data of the population-based cohort Study of Health in Pomerania were matched with claims data. Proportion of subjects meeting referral criteria and corresponding health care expenditures were calculated and projected to the population of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
Data from 1927 subjects were analysed. Overall proportion of subjects meeting referral criteria ranged from 4.9% (DEGAM) to 8.3% (DGfN/DGIM). The majority of patients eligible for referral were ≥ 60 years. In subjects older than 60 years, differences were even more pronounced, and rates ranged from 9.7% (DEGAM) to 16.5% (DGfN/DGIM). Estimated population level costs varied between €1,432,440 (DEGAM) and €2,386,186 (DGfN/DGIM). From 190 patients with eGFR < 60 ml/min, 15 had a risk of end stage renal disease > 5% within the next 5 years.
Applying different referral criteria results in different referral rates and costs. Referral rates exceed actually observed consultation rates. Criteria need to be evaluated in terms of available workforce, resources and regarding over- and underutilization of nephrology services.
Die chronische Nierenkrankheit (CKD) ist eine häufige Erkrankung, insbesondere im höheren Alter. Um der Progression der Erkrankung und deren Komplikationen vorzubeugen, ist eine leitliniengerechte ambulante Versorgung von Patient:innen mit CKD anzustreben. Zur Messung und Bewertung der Versorgungsqualität können Qualitätsindikatoren (QI) genutzt werden. In Deutschland existieren bisher keine QI für CKD. Ziel der Arbeit war die Entwicklung von QI für die Qualitätsüberprüfung der ambulanten Versorgung von Patient:innen über 70 Jahren mit nichtdialysepflichtiger CKD.
Material und Methoden
Auf Grundlage der nationalen S3-Leitlinie CKD und eines Reviews internationaler QI wurde eine Liste von QI erstellt. Die ausgewählten QI wurden in 2 Sets eingeteilt: basierend auf Routinedaten (z. B. Abrechnungsdaten der Krankenkassen) und auf Datenerhebung in der Praxis (Chart-Review). Expert:innen verschiedener Fachrichtungen sowie ein Patient:innenvertreter bewerteten diese in einem Delphi-Verfahren mit 2‑stufiger Onlinebefragung im Oktober 2021 und Januar 2022 und abschließender Konsensuskonferenz im März 2022. Zusätzlich wurden Ranglisten der wichtigsten QI von jedem Set erstellt.
Ein Inzidenz- und ein Prävalenzindikator wurden a priori festgelegt und standen nicht zur Abstimmung. Weitere 21 QI standen zur Abstimmung durch die Expert:innen. Für jedes QI-Set wurden die 7 wichtigsten Indikatoren ausgewählt. Nur 1 QI wurde von dem Expert:innenpanel für den zusätzlichen Einsatz bei Erwachsenen unter 70 Jahren als nicht geeignet eingestuft.
Die QI sollen es ermöglichen, die Qualität der ambulanten Versorgung von Patient:innen mit CKD zu untersuchen, mit dem Ziel, die leitlinienkonforme ambulante Versorgung zu optimieren.
Chronic kidney disease is a major public health burden associated with a drastically reduced quality of living and life span that lacks suitable, individualized therapeutic strategies. Here we present a human induced pluripotent stem cell line (iPSC, UMGACBi001-A) reprogrammed from urine cells of an acute septic dialysis patient suffering from chronic kidney disease using non-integrating administration of RNAs. The generated iPSCs were positively characterized for typical morphology, pluripotency marker expression, directed differentiation potential, non-contamination, chromosomal consistency and donor identity. This iPSC-line can be a useful source for in vitro disease modelling and individualized therapeutic approaches.
The renal renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is involved in the development of chronic kidney disease. Here, we investigated whether mice with reduced renal angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE−/−) are protected against aristolochic acid nephropathy (AAN). To further elucidate potential molecular mechanisms, we assessed the renal abundances of several major RAS components. AAN was induced using aristolochic acid I (AAI). Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was determined using inulin clearance and renal protein abundances of renin, angiotensinogen, angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) 2, and Mas receptor (Mas) were determined in ACE−/− and C57BL/6J control mice by Western blot analyses. Renal ACE activity was determined using a colorimetric assay and renal angiotensin (Ang) (1–7) concentration was determined by ELISA. GFR was similar in vehicle-treated mice of both strains. AAI decreased GFR in controls but not in ACE−/− mice. Furthermore, AAI decreased renal ACE activity in controls but not in ACE−/− mice. Vehicle-treated ACE−/− mice had significantly higher renal ACE2 and Mas protein abundances than controls. AAI decreased renal ACE2 protein abundance in both strains. Furthermore, AAI increased renal Mas protein abundance, although the latter effect did not reach statistical significance in the ACE−/− mice. Renal Ang(1–7) concentration was similar in vehicle-treated mice of both strains. AAI increased renal Ang(1–7) concentration in the ACE−/− mice but not in the controls. Mice with reduced renal ACE are protected against AAN. Our data suggest that in the face of renal ACE deficiency, AAI may activate the ACE2/Ang(1–7)/Mas axis, which in turn may deploy its reno-protective effects.
Although chronic kidney disease (CKD) is highly prevalent in the general population, little research has been conducted on CKD management in ambulatory care.
Objective was to assess management and quality of care by evaluating CKD coding in ambulatory care, patient diagnosis awareness, frequency of monitoring and whether appropriate patients are referred to nephrology.
Clinical data from the population-based cohort Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP-START) were matched with claims data of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. Quality of care was evaluated according international and German recommendations.
Data from 1778 participants (56% female, mean age 59 years) were analysed. 10% had eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73m2 (mean age 74 years), 15% had albuminuria. 21% had CKD as defined by KDIGO. 20% of these were coded and 7% self-reported having CKD. Coding increased with GFR stage (G3a 20%, G3b 61%, G4 75%, G5 100%). Serum creatinine and urinary dip stick testing were billed in the majority of all participants regardless of renal function. Testing frequency partially surpassed recommendations. Nephrology consultation was billed in few cases with stage G3b-G4.
CKD coding increased with stage and was performed reliably in stages ≥ G4, while CKD awareness was low. Adherence to monitoring and referral criteria varied, depending on the applicability of monitoring criteria. For assessing quality of care, consent on monitoring, patient education, referral criteria and coordination of care needs to be established, accounting for patient related factors, including age and comorbidity.
Trial registration
This study was prospectively registered as DRKS00009812 in the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS).
High serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels have previously been associated with a low estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), but studies associating thyroid hormone levels with albuminuria revealed inconsistent results. We used cross-sectional data from 7933 individuals aged 20 to 93 years of the Berlin Aging Study II and the Study of Health in Pomerania to associate serum TSH, fT3, and fT4 levels with eGFR and albuminuria. In multivariable analyses adjusted for confounding, we found inverse non-linear associations of serum TSH levels with eGFR, while serum fT3 levels showed a positive association with eGFR. High as well as low serum fT4 levels were associated with a lower eGFR. Age but not sex modified the association between thyroid hormone levels and eGFR. The inverse associations between serum TSH levels and eGFR were strongest in the youngest age groups, while the positive associations between serum fT3 levels and eGFR were strongest in older individuals. No significant associations between thyroid hormone levels and albuminuria were found. Our results indicate that hypothyroidism might be associated with a reduced kidney function. Thyroid function might be more tightly related to the eGFR than to albuminuria in the general population.