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- Doctoral Thesis (1)
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- Fetal growth restriction (1)
- Health care utilization (1)
- Inanspruchnahme (1)
- Infant (1)
- BioMed Central (BMC) (2)
- MDPI (1)
- Springer Nature (1)
Für die vorliegende Arbeit wurde eine Querschnitterhebung zu möglichen Einflussfaktoren auf die ambulante Inanspruchnahme medizinischer Leistungen durchgeführt. Die Erhebung erfolgte von August 2009 bis Februar 2010. Es nahmen 800 Männer und Frauen (Response von 68,4%) im Alter von 60 Jahren oder älter mit Wohnsitz in Vorpommern teil. Als theoretischer Hintergrund diente das “Health Behavior Model“ von Andersen (1995). Zusätzlich zu den im Verhaltensmodell benannten Faktoren wurden weitere mögliche Einflussfaktoren auf die Inanspruchnahme berücksichtigt, wie die Mobilität der Bevölkerung, die subjektiv eingeschätzte Erreichbarkeit von niedergelassenen Ärzten und der wahrgenommene Zeitaufwand der Inanspruchnahme (Wartezeiten). Zwischen ländlichen und städtischen Regionen in Vorpommern wurden Unterschiede in den Einschätzungen der Erreichbarkeit, v.a. der Wegzeiten zu Haus- und Fachärzten, aufgezeigt. Die Assoziationen der von den Probanden eingeschätzten Erreichbarkeitsaspekte mit den Indikatoren der ambulanten Inanspruchnahme in multivariaten Modellen verdeutlichen die Wichtigkeit der Sicherstellung einer flächendeckenden, wohnortnahen medizinischen Versorgung.
Little is known about the (co-)occurrence of smoking, alcohol at-risk drinking, physical inactivity and overweight, and the motivation to change these behavioral health risk factors (HRFs) in older general hospital patients with cardiovascular disease. Between October and December 2016, all consecutively admitted patients aged 50 to 79 years were proactively recruited on 3 cardiology wards and asked to participate in a survey on HRFs and behavior change motivation. Of the eligible patients, 80.4% participated in the survey (n = 328). The mean age was 66.5 years (standard deviation 9.0), and 65.5% were male. At least 1 HRF was present in 91.8% (n = 280), at least 2 HRFs in 54.4% (n = 166), and 3 or 4 HRFs in 12.1% (n = 37) of participants. The proportion of older adults who contemplated or were changing or planning to change their behavior to meet health behavior recommendations ranged between 66.0% (smoking) and 93.2% (alcohol consumption). The results indicate a notable co-occurrence of behavioral HRFs in older patients with cardiovascular disease. The majority of older adults were at least considering changing the respective behavior. To prevent and treat diseases efficiently, hospitalization may be a suitable moment for systematic multiple HRF screening and intervention.
The aim is to investigate the associations of the mother’s socioeconomic and lifestyle factors and life satisfaction with the delivery of a small for gestational age (SGA) infant.
Data from 4598 participants of the population-based birth cohort study Survey of Neonates in Pomerania (SniP) including comprehensive information on pregnancies, mothers, and their offspring in Western Pomerania, Germany were used in this study. The associations were analyzed using linear and logistic regression models.
After logistic regression analysis adjusted for height of the mother, women who delivered SGA infants, had lower education (p < 0.01) and smoked more frequently during pregnancy (p < 0.01) compared with mothers of adequate for gestational age (AGA) neonates. A mother with less than 10 years of education and one who continued smoking during pregnancy had an odds ratio (OR) of 2.23 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.44 to 3.46] and 2.68 (95% CI = 2.06–3.49) of having an SGA infant, respectively. There was no association between the employment of the mother (p = 0.28), the monthly income (p = 0.09), the family status (p = 0.80), the number of friendships outside the household that the mother would not wish to relinquish (p = 0.47), the number of people that she could rely on in case of an emergency (p = 0.75), or alcohol consumption prior to (p = 0.14) or during the pregnancy (p = 0.99) with SGA. Finally, women who delivered SGA infants were more frequently dissatisfied with their employment (p = 0.03) and financial status (p < 0.01).
Women who delivered SGA infants had more associated socioeconomic and lifestyle risk factors and were more frequently dissatisfied with their life conditions than mothers of AGA neonates.