Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (3)
Has Fulltext
- yes (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (3)
- Ambulante Versorgung (1)
- Covid-19 (1)
- Körperliche Aktivität (1)
- Körperliche Aktivität , Sitzen , Prävention , Fitness , Metabolisches Syndrom , Reaktivität , Kardiovaskuläre Krankheit , Messung (1)
- Neue Versorgungsmodelle (1)
- Pandemie (1)
- Sedentary Behavior (1)
- accelerometer (1)
- cardiometabolic health (1)
- cardiorespiratory fitness (1)
Background: Sedentary behavior (SB) is a modifiable behavior with increasing prevalence worldwide. There is emerging evidence that time spend in SB and the manner in which SB is accumulated over time is associated with cardiovascular and cardiometabolic health. The requirement for SB data to be accurately measured is minimization, or at least accurate quantification of human-related sources of measurement errors such as accelerometer measurement reactivity (AMR). The present thesis was to examine SB and their associations with cardiovascular and cardiometabolic health, and to focus on challenges related to the assessment of SB. The first aim of the thesis was to identify patterns of SB describing how individuals accumulate their time spend in SB day-by-day over one week, and to examine how these patterns are associated with cardiorespiratory fitness as a marker for cardiovascular health (paper 1). The second aim of the thesis was to examine the multiple types of SB, and how this is associated with a clustered cardiometabolic risk score (CMRS; paper 2). The third aim of the thesis was to examine AMR and the reproducibility in SB and physical activity (PA) in two measurement periods, and to quantify AMR as a confounder for the estimation of the reproducibility of SB and PA data (paper 3).
Methods: The three papers were based on data of two different studies. For study 1, 1165 individuals aged 40 to 75 years were recruited in three different settings. Among these, 582 participated in a cardiovascular risk factor screening program including cardiopulmonary exercise testing. For the analyses of paper 1, 170 participants were eligible, agreed to wear an accelerometer, fulfilled the wearing regime, and completed the study period by wearing the accelerometer for seven consecutive days. Patterns in accelerometer data were classified based on time spent in SB per day applying growth mixture modeling. Model‐implied class‐specific peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) means were compared using adjusted equality test of means (paper 1). The underlying study of paper 2 and 3 were based on data of a pilot study aiming to investigate the feasibility of a brief tailored letter intervention to increase PA and to reduce SB during leisure time. Among the individuals who agreed to be contacted again in study 1, a random sample of those aged between 40 and 65 years was drawn. Of those, 175 attended in a cardiovascular examination program. Assessment included giving blood sample, standardized measurement of blood pressure, waist circumference, body weight, and height at baseline, and after twelve months. Further, they agreed to complete a paper-pencil questionnaire on SB (Last 7-d Sedentary Behavior Questionnaire, SIT-Q-7d) and PA (International Physical Activity Questionnaire, IPAQ), and to receive seven-day accelerometery at baseline, and after 12 months. In addition, self-administered assessments were conducted at months one, three, four, and six after baseline. Only individuals of a random subsample (= intervention group) received up to three letters tailored to their self-reported SB and PA at months one, three, and four. For paper 2, associations between SBs and a clustered cardiometabolic risk score (CMRS) were analyzed using linear as well as quantile regression. To account for missing values at baseline, multiple imputations using chained equations were performed resulting in a total sample of 173 participants. Paper 3 comprised data of 136 individuals who participated at the baseline and twelve months assessments, and fulfilled the wearing regime. AMR was examined using latent growth modeling in each measurement period. Intraclass correlations (ICC) were calculated to examine the reproducibility of SB and PA data using two-level mixed-effects linear regression analyses.
Results: Results of paper 1 revealed four patterns of SB: 'High, stable', 'Low, increase', 'Low, decrease', and 'High, decrease'. Persons in the class 'High, stable' had significantly lower VO2peak values (M = 25.0 mL/kg/min, SD = 0.6) compared to persons in the class 'Low, increase' (M = 30.5 mL/kg/min, SD = 3.6; p = 0.001), in the class 'Low, decrease' (M = 30.1 mL/kg/min, SD = 5.0; p = 0.009), and in the class High, decrease' (M = 29.6 mL/kg/min, SD = 5.9; p = 0.032), respectively. No differences among the other classes were found. In paper 2, results revealed that the only factor positively associated with a CMRS in all regression models was watching television. Depending on the regression analysis approach used, other leisure-time SBs showed inconsistent (using a computer), or no associations (reading and socializing) with a CMRS. In paper 3, results revealed that time spent in SB increased (baseline: b = 2.3 min/d; after 12 months: b = 3.8 min/d), and time spent in light PA decreased (b = 2.0 min/day; b = 3.3 min/d). However, moderate-to-vigorous PA remained unchanged. Accelerometer wear time was reduced (b = 4.6 min/d) only at baseline. The ICC coefficients ranged from 0.42 (95% CI = 0.29 - 0.57) for accelerometer wear time to 0.70 (95% CI = 0.61 - 0.78) for moderate-to-vigorous PA. None of the regression models identified a reactivity indicator as a confounder for the reproducibility of SB and PA data.
Conclusions: The present thesis highlights SB in the field of cardiovascular and cardiometabolic research that have implications for future research. Individuals sit for different purposes and durations in multiple life domains, and the time spent in SB is accumulated in different patterns over time. Therefore, research should consider the fact that SB is embedded in an individual's daily life routine, hence might have differential effects on cardiovascular and cardiometabolic health. Further, methodological aspects have to be considered when dealing with SB. In order to detect how SB is 'independently' associated to an individual's health, an accurate measurement of SB is fundamental. Therefore, human-related sources of bias such as AMR should be taken into account when either planning studies or when interpreting data drawn from analysis of SB data.
Background: Physical inactivity is one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease,
which remains a major cause of death in Germany and around the globe. Thus, investigating
prevalences, population trends, high-risk groups, and intervention effects of physical activity
(PA) and sedentary time (ST) is highly relevant to public health. To receive reliable data, a
key issue in research is to apply an appropriate study design including the carefully
considered use of assessments. Otherwise, bias to PA and ST data may be introduced. The
present thesis investigates three often overlooked issues related to the impact of measurement
on PA and ST research data. The first aim was to examine whether mere measurement alters
PA and ST over the course of twelve months (study 1). The second aim was to identify
potential socio-demographic and cardiometabolic moderators of the mere-measurement effect
(study 2). The third aim was to present design, protocol, and preliminary results of an interim
analysis of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) aiming to test whether a video demonstration
of PA intensity levels reduces the lack of agreement between self-reported and objectively
measured PA (study 3).
Methods: Studies 1 and 2 were based on data of a trial to test the feasibility of a brief tailored
letter intervention to increase PA and to reduce ST during leisure time. Among a sample of
subjects with no history of myocardial infarction, stroke, or vascular interventions, a number
of 175 individuals aged 40 to 65 years participated in the study. At baseline, participants
received standardized measurement of blood pressure and waist circumference, blood sample
taking, and seven-day accelerometry. At baseline and after one, six, and twelve months,
participants completed the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). A random
subsample received a brief tailored letter intervention at months one, three, and four. A
number of 153 participants were included in study 1 using all available data across 12 months.
Changes in PA and ST were analyzed using latent growth modeling. For study 2, baseline and
one-month follow-up data of 175 participants were used. Dependence of one-month changes
in PA and ST on socio-demographic and cardiometabolic variables was analyzed using linear
regression models. In study 3, individuals aged between 40 and 75 years were recruited at a
shopping mall in Greifswald, Germany. Participants received seven-day accelerometry and
were invited to the cardiovascular examination center of the University Medicine Greifswald.
After random allocation to experimental and control group, they completed the selfadministered
IPAQ – Short Form via tablet-computer. The experimental group additionally
received a video demonstration of PA intensity levels before answering the questionnaire. A number of 131 participants were analyzed to receive preliminary results of an interim analysis
in order to verify the presumptions made for the a priori power calculation and to decide on
early stopping of the study. The difference between the study groups in the agreement
between self-reported and accelerometer-based PA was analyzed using a two-sample t-test.
Results: In study 1, results revealed no change in leisure-time PA, an increase in transportrelated
PA (p = .023), and a tendency towards a reduction of ST (p = .060) between baseline
and one-month assessment. Further, ST decreased between six and twelve months (p = .037).
Time trends of the intervention group did not differ significantly from those of the
assessment-only group. Results of study 2 revealed that men increased transport-related PA
more than women (p = .031) and men with higher triglycerides increased transport-related PA
less than men with lower triglycerides (p = .043). Men with higher systolic blood pressure
reduced ST more than those with lower systolic blood pressure (p = .028). However, this
linear association ceased to exist at a level of approximately 145 mmHg. A similar
relationship was found for glycated hemoglobin and ST in men. In study 3, preliminary
results of the interim analysis revealed a lower formal mean difference in the video group (M
= 21.8 min/day, SD = 108.9) compared to the control group (M = 41.0 min/day, SD = 117.4,
t(129) = 0.97, p = .166). The p-value lay between the significance (p < .010) and futility (p >
.269) boundaries of the test simulations.
Conclusions: Results of the present thesis have three implications for considering the impact
of PA and ST assessments in cardiovascular research. First, mere-measurement effects within
a feasibility trial were found in transport-related PA and ST suggesting to interfere with
potential intervention effects. Thus, measurement effects should be considered when planning
studies and interventions and when interpreting outcomes. Second, male sex and more
favorable triglycerides levels in men were associated with a higher increase of transportrelated
PA whereas worse health in men was associated with a higher reduction of ST. Thus,
using the mere-measurement effect for prevention purposes may require researchers and
practitioners to tailor PA and ST intervention components to individuals’ health condition.
Third, the design and protocol of the RCT seems appropriate to test the effect of a novel video
on the gap between self-reported and accelerometer-based PA. Preliminary results point to the
efficacy of the video.
Zu Beginn des Covid-19-Pandemiegeschehens wurde die ambulante Patientenversorgung deutschlandweit vor große Herausforderungen gestellt. Insbesondere die mangelnde Verfügbarkeit von Schutzausrüstung und eine vermutete Überforderung des ambulanten und stationären Sektors machten die Entwicklung alternativer Versorgungsmodelle notwendig.
Auf Aufforderung der Landesregierung wurde von der Universitätsmedizin Greifswald eine sogenannte Fieberambulanz für Patienten mit möglichen Symptomen einer Covid-19-Infektion eingerichtet, die nicht telefonisch abgeklärt werden konnten.
Es handelt sich um eine Mixed-Methods-Studie.
Im quantitativen Teil der Studie erfolgten die Auswertung des Konsultationsanlasses, der Symptome sowie Beratungsergebnisse mit einem selbst entwickelten Fragebogen. Einnahmen und Ausgaben der Fieberambulanz wurden erfasst.
Retrospektiv wurden leitfadengestützte Experteninterviews mit den hauptverantwortlichen Mitarbeitern der Fieberambulanz Greifswald, sowie niedergelassenen Ärzten und Vertretern aus den Bereichen Hygiene, sowie der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung MV und dem Landkreis Vorpommern-Greifswald geführt.
Es gelang innerhalb von zehn Tagen, die Fieberambulanz in den Räumlichkeiten einer Berufsschule aufzubauen. Besondere Herausforderungen, die in den Interviews beschrieben wurden, waren die Organisation von Logistik und Personal, Klärung der Verantwortlichkeiten, Kostenträgerschaft und Abrechnung. Es wurden Grenzen und Schwächen der Fieberambulanz aufgezeigt, sowie alternative Versorgungsmodelle in den Interviews diskutiert.
Im Zeitraum vom 08.04.-11.05.2020 wurden insgesamt 107 Konsultationen durchgeführt (53 % weiblich, Ø42 Jahre), bei deutlich mehr telefonischen Anfragen. Die häufigsten Diagnosen waren akute Bronchitis (43%), obere Atemwegsinfekte (28%) und Fieber (8,4%).
In 42 Fällen wurde ein Nasen-Rachen-Abstrich durchgeführt. Schwerere Erkrankungen wie eitrige Tonsillitiden oder Asthma Exazerbationen wurden in <10% der Fälle diagnostiziert. Covid-19-Neuinfektionen wurden nicht nachgewiesen. Eine kosteneffiziente Auslastung konnte nicht erreicht werden.
Die Fieberambulanz wurde zu Pandemiebeginn als Anlaufstelle für Unsicherheiten im Umgang mit dem Infektionsgeschehen genutzt, als viele Versorgungssituationen noch ungeregelt waren. Sie erwies sich aber rückblickend bei niedriger Inzidenz als unwirtschaftlich und nicht notwendig. Der Großteil der Patienten konnte weiterhin hausärztlich betreut werden.