800 Literatur, Rhetorik, Literaturwissenschaft
Document Type
- Course Material (3)
- Book (2)
- Doctoral Thesis (2)
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Is part of the Bibliography
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- Erzähltheorie (3)
- Digitalisierung (2)
- Erzählforschung (2)
- Literatur (2)
- Narratology (2)
- Zeit (2)
- Allgemeine Literaturwissenschaft (1)
- Analyse (1)
- Analysemethode (1)
- Archiv (1)
- De Gruyter (1)
- transcript Verlag (1)
Semiosis is the process in which a sign unfolds its effect—the meaning that humans ‘suddenly’ see in acts, objects or facts. The semiotic tenet is applied to the event and the question of why we narrate it. The graphics are dedicated to the author’s contribution: ‘The event and its consequences: a semiotic analysis.’
Grouping pieces of fiction according to various differentiating criteria and ascribing generic names to the result is a taxonomic task that has its counterpart in biology in classifying species. This visual essay is about literary families (not genres) such as ‘science fiction’ or ‘historical fiction.’ I developed three appropriate criteria for positioning a narrative in the ‘mental’ space of written fiction.
The Narrative Framework
Digitale Medien verändern, wie literarische Texte geschrieben werden und wie erzählt wird. Zugleich verändern sie die Auffassung von Gegenwart. Vor diesem Hintergrund fragt der Band nach dem Status von Gegenwartsliteratur nach der Digitalisierung: Welche Rolle spielen neue Zeitkonzepte für das Schreiben? Welche Formen der Zeitreflexion prägen Romane der letzten 15 Jahre? Welche neuen Schreibweisen werden in digitalen Medien entwickelt?
Vom »Echtzeitfeuilleton« über Memes bis zur »Instapoetry«: Im Zuge der Digitalisierung haben Soziale Medien einen enormen Einfluss auf unser Schreiben, Arbeiten und Denken. Von Feeds und Beschleunigung über Buffering bis zur Archivierung fragen die Beiträger*innen insbesondere nach der zeitlichen Dimension Sozialer Medien. Sie analysieren prägende Schreibweisen der Gegenwart aus literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Dabei kommen auch Verleger*innen und Schriftsteller*innen zu Wort.
The thesis develops a scholarly-artistic modular method of analysis for literary studies, film studies and comic studies. Artistic modules of analysis are combined with established research methods used by the humanities on order to deepen the level of understanding of the analysed comic/literary/cineastic work. Martin Rowson's comic adaptation of Laurence Sterne's novel "The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman" is analysed with the scholartistic method and treated as an addative literary adaptation.
This paper is a literary analysis of Sebastian Barry’s six novels “The Whereabouts of Eneas McNulty” (1998), “Annie Dunne” (2002), “A Long Long Way” (2005), “The Secret Scripture” (2008), “On Canaan’s Side” (2011) and “The Temporary Gentleman” (2014) and his two plays “The Steward of Christendom” (1995) and “Our Lady of Sligo” (1998). The analysis focuses on Barry’s presentation of (Irish) history, (Irish) nationalism, and personal and national identity in order to ascertain to what extent Barry can be labelled an Irish historical revisionist and compares Barry’s texts to revisionist fiction by other modern Irish authors to delineate Barry’s vision of a – generally more inclusive - Irish identity.