Document Type
- Article (3)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (4)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (4)
- cerebral palsy (2)
- - (1)
- Cerebral palsy (1)
- Emerging adults (1)
- Mental health (1)
- Quality of Life (1)
- Ringknorpel (1)
- Self-efficacy (1)
- Trachea (1)
- adults (1)
Es wurden die Dimensionen der Trachea inklusive des laryngotrachealen Übergangs (LTÜG) sowie speziell des Ringknorpels anhand von MRT-Bildern der SHIP-Studie erhoben und der Einfluss von demographischen und anamnestischen Faktoren auf die bestimmten Parameter geprüft. Das Ziel war die Erhebung bevölkerungsrepräsentativer Normwerte der Trachea und des LTÜGs vorzuschlagen, um eine Orientierung bei der chirurgischen Rekonstruktion einer Trachealstenose oder subglottischen Stenose zu bieten, sowie eine Hilfestellung bei der Wahl der optimalen Stent- oder Tubusgröße zu sein.
Als Parameter wurden der maximale anterior-posteriore Durchmesser (APmax), der maximale transversale Durchmesser (LLmax), der transversale Durchmesser 4 mm von anterior (LL4mmVA), das Trachealvolumen (Vol) und die Querschnittsfläche (CSA) des Ringknorpels bestimmt. Dabei wurde der Einfluss von Geschlecht und Alter auf die trachealen Dimensionen sowie zusätzlich der Einfluss von Körpergewicht, Körpergröße, BMI, Schilddrüsenvolumen, einer diagnostizierten Schilddrüsenerkrankung (DS) und einer diagnostizierten Radiojodtherapie (RJT) auf die Parameter des Ringknorpels untersucht. Zusätzlich wurden Daten zur Prävalenz einer Trachealstenose und einer Trachealaffektion durch die Schilddrüse erhoben.
Die Trachea inklusive dem LTÜG wurde anhand von MRT-Bildern bei 792 Probanden (383 Männer, 409 Frauen) ausgemessen. APmax betrug im Mittel 16,5 ± 2,7 mm, LLmax 16,7 ± 3,2 mm und LL4mmVA 12,9 ± 2,5 mm. Das Volumen der Trachea inklusive des LTÜGs lag bei 18,0 ± 4,4 ml. Männer hatten insgesamt signifikant größere Messwerte als Frauen (p < 0,001). Das Alter zeigte keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Parameter.
Zudem wurde der Ringknorpel auf Ebene des Arcus cricoideus anhand von MRT-Bildern bei 3.165 Probanden (1.540 Männer, 1.625 Frauen) untersucht. APmax betrug durchschnittlich 18,1 ± 2,7 mm, LLmax 14,8 ± 2,5 mm. Der Mittelwert von LL4mmVA lag bei 11,9 ± 1,6 mm, der von CSA betrug 212,0 ± 63,2 mm². In der univariaten Analyse zeigten das Geschlecht, das Körpergewicht und die Körpergröße einen signifikanten Einfluss auf alle untersuchten Parameter (je p < 0,001), während das Alter nur APmax signifikant beeinflusste. Probanden mit einer DS hatten bedeutend kleinere Messwerte des Cricoids als Probanden ohne eine solche Diagnose (p < 0,001). Den größten Einfluss auf die Dimensionen des Ringknorpels zeigten nach multivariater Regressionsanalyse das Geschlecht und die Körpergröße. Daher sollten diese beiden Faktoren entscheidend sein für die Vorhersage der anzustrebenden Zielgrößen bei der Rekonstruktion der Atemwege oder bei der Wahl eines einzusetzenden Stents oder Tubus.
Zusätzlich wurde erstmals anhand einer norddeutschen Population die Prävalenz einer Trachealstenose bestimmt, welche bei 0,4 % lag. Bei 0,7 % der untersuchten Probanden wurde eine Trachealaffektion durch die Schilddrüse festgestellt.
Die Therapie der Trachealstenose und vor allem von Stenosen des LTÜGs stellt immer noch einen anspruchsvollen Eingriff dar, der mit bestehenden Komplikationen verbunden ist. Vor allem durch die hohe Varianz der Atemwege ist es schwer, die optimale Stent- oder Tubusgröße zu wählen. Durch die Etablierung epidemiologisch repräsentativer Normwerte der Trachea und des LTÜGs erhofft sich die Autorin eine Untersützung und Orientierung bei der chirurgischen Rekonstruktion der Atemwege zu liefern.
Quality of Life in Young Adults With Cerebral Palsy: A Longitudinal Analysis of the SPARCLE Study
Introduction: While most people with cerebral palsy (CP) will have a life expectancy similar to that of the general population, international research has primarily focused on childhood and adolescence; and knowledge about the quality of life (QoL) of young adults with CP, its trajectories, and associated factors remains scarce.
Methods: This longitudinal study included young adults with CP living in five European regions and who had previously participated in the SPARCLE cohort as children and/or adolescents. Their QoL in the psychological well-being and social relationships domains was estimated using age-appropriate validated instruments (KIDSCREEN-52 in childhood/adolescence and WHOQOL-Bref in young adulthood). We used generalized linear mixed-effect models with random intercept to estimate long-term trajectories of QoL in both domains and to investigate whether severity of impairment, pain, and seizure influenced these trajectories. We sought to identify potentially different trajectories of QoL from childhood to adulthood using a shape-based clustering method.
Results: In total, 164 young adults with CP aged 22–27 years participated in the study. Psychological well-being linearly decreased by 0.78 points (scale 0–100) per year (95% confidence interval (CI) −0.99 to −0.56) from childhood to young adulthood, whereas QoL in the social relationships domain increased (β coefficient 1.24, 95% CI 0.92–1.55). Severity of impairment was associated with reduced QoL in all life periods of the study (childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood): motor impairment with social relationships, and more nuancedly intellectual disability with psychological well-being and social relationships. At all periods, frequent pain significantly reduced psychological well-being, and seizures were associated with lower QoL in the social relationships domain. In both domains, we identified a group of individuals with CP who presented a reverse trajectory compared with the general QoL trajectory.
Conclusion: Identification of QoL trajectories and their associated factors yields improved knowledge about the experience of individuals with CP until young adulthood. Further studies are needed to better understand the determinants that have the greatest influence on the different shapes of long-term trajectories of QoL.
While evidence concerning Quality of Life (QoL) in youth with cerebral palsy (CP) in comparison to the general population has been accumulating, there is a lack of studies exploring differences on a wider range of positive and negative mental health outcomes in emerging adults.
This binational case control study is part of the SPARCLE cohort study on QoL and participation of youth with CP. QoL (WHOQOL-BREF), depression (PHQ-9), anxiety (GAD-7) and self-efficacy (GSE) were assessed in 198 emerging adults with CP and 593 emerging adults from the general population, matched for country of residence, age and gender. ANCOVAs with impairment and pain as covariates were run.
Similar levels of QoL were found in both samples, except for the environmental domain, with better QoL for emerging adults with CP compared to the general population. There were significant descriptive differences regarding depression with worse levels in the CP sample, however, also worse levels of self-efficacy. Pain as a covariate had a significant negative impact on all measures, leading to poorer self-efficacy while worsening depression and anxiety; impairment had a significant worsening impact on physical QoL and self-efficacy only.
Similar expressions of mental health outcomes in emerging adults with CP and the general population indicate the high adaptive capability of emerging adults with CP.
Background: Young people with chronic health conditions and disabilities rely on the healthcare system to maintain their best possible health. The appropriate delivery and utilization of healthcare services are key to improve their autonomy, self-efficacy and employment outcomes. The research question of our study is directed toward investigating if poor availability and accessibility of healthcare services in general, as identified by unmet needs in healthcare, are associated with dissatisfaction with healthcare.
Methods: Within a European multicenter observational study, 357 young adults with cerebral palsy aged 19–28 were included. We assessed special healthcare needs, utilization of healthcare services, and satisfaction with healthcare applying the short-form of the YHC-SUN-SF, environmental and social variables (EAEQ) as well as indicators for severity of condition and functionality (e.g., GMFCS) of these participants based on a self-, assisted self- or proxy-reports. We used correlation analyses to explore associations between satisfaction with healthcare and respective indicators related to availability and accessibility of healthcare services as well as severity of the condition. In addition, we included reference values for satisfaction with heath care from young adults with various chronic conditions assessed within population-based surveys from some of the European countries included in the study.
Results: We identified several unmet healthcare needs, especially for widely used and established services (e.g., physical therapy). Satisfaction with healthcare (YHC-SUN-SF general and subscale scores) was moderate to high and almost consistently better for the sample of young adults with cerebral palsy as compared to reference values for young adults with various chronic conditions assessed within general population surveys). Correlation coefficients between satisfaction with healthcare and utilization of services and (unmet) healthcare needs were low, also with different indicators for severity of the condition or functionality.
Conclusion: Young adults with cerebral palsy reports of unmet healthcare needs varied largely but showed substantial deficits in some aspects. This seems to have no impact on the satisfaction with healthcare those patients currently receive. We conclude that these are two different constructs and somewhat independent indicators to evaluate the quality of healthcare. Clinicians and other practitioners should consider this distinction when monitoring patient needs in their daily practice.