Zoologisches Institut und Museum
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Insects have a long evolutionary history, as they have existed at least since Carboniferous (ca. 360 mya or million years ago) and potentially even since the Devonian (ca. 410 mya). Today they can be found in almost every habitat on earth and have thusly a very wide array of ecological strategies. To better understand their ecological strategies, especially predatory and defensive strategies, and their evolutionary history, it is crucial to also study fossil insects, as they can give a unique insight into the types of ecological strategies that were present in the past, some of which may still be found exhibited by insects today, but some of which are not. There are four approaches which are especially relevant in studying predatory and defensive strategies of insects in the fossil record: 1) specialised morphology, 2) phylogenetic position, 3) trace fossils and 4) group fossilisation and ‘frozen behaviour’.
Specialised morphology pertaining to a predatory lifestyle, especially in insects (but also arthropods as a whole), usually involves raptorial appendages, with which they can grasp their prey, and/or additionally venom injecting structures. In animals employing a defensive strategy, their morphology may be specialised in either aiding them in escaping their predator, e.g. with jumping, or in actively or passively defending against their predators, e.g. with defensive hairs. Their are also specialised morphologies that aid both predators and defensive insects, especially ones pertaining to camouflage and mimicry, as these strategies aim to send a false signal to either their predator or prey to not be recognized and/or detected by them and thus either more easily escape their predators (in the case of defensive insects) or catch their prey more easily (in the case of predators).
The phylogenetic position of a fossil insect can help in combination with a comparison with extant representatives of the group it belongs within to point out general trends in their lifestyles. But this approach is best used in combination with the other approaches.
Trace fossils, and related phenomena, that pertain to predatory and defensive life strategies, are traces of injuries (e.g. potential predation events), coprolites (fossilised excrements) and fossilised re-gurgitate (“Speiballen”) (both of which can contain prey items and a producer, i.e. the predator, may potentially be ascertained) and fossilised stomach content (where usually both the predator and the prey item is preserved).
Group fossilisations are fossils that contain groups of organisms, and can also be a predator and its prey (where its either a group of prey organisms, or also predators). Frozen behaviour are fossils where the organism is fossilised while exhibiting any type of behaviour (‘frozen in time’). This can be one organism, but also the interaction of two or more organisms, and in this later case this may also pertain to a predator-prey interaction thusly ‘caught’ and fossilised.
In this thesis the above mentioned approaches in studying predatory and defensive strategies of insects in the fossil record are discussed in the context of various insect in-groups, as exemplary cases illustrating different aspects of one or more of these approaches, and the applicability and limitations of these approaches are critically discussed.
Roles for non-human primate-associated phage diversity in improving medicine and public health
Mammals harbor trillions of microorganisms and understanding the ecological and evolutionary processes structuring these ecosystems may provide insights relevant to public health and medicine. Comparative studies with our closest living relatives, non-human primates, have provided first insights into their rich bacteriophage communities. Here, I discuss how this phage diversity can be useful for combatting antibiotic-resistant infections and understanding disease emergence risk. For example, some primate-associated phages show a pattern suggesting a long-term co-divergence with their primate superhosts—co-diverging phages may be more likely to exhibit a narrow host range and thus less useful for phage therapy. Captive primates lose their natural phageome, which is replaced by human-associated phages making phages an exciting tool for studying rates of microorganism transmission at human–wildlife interfaces. This commentary tackles avenues for selecting phages for therapeutic interventions based on their ecological and evolutionary history, while discussing frameworks to allow primate-associated phages to be incorporated into the arsenal of clinicians.
Facing climate and land use change, a species’ ability to successfully adapt to changing environments is crucial for its survival. Extensive drainage and intensification of agriculture and forestry set wetlands and associated species at risk of population declines. The population of Common Cranes (Grus grus) has experienced considerable fluctuations over the last century. Despite increasing population numbers, hatching success seemed to have decreased over the last years. The aim of this study was to identify factors influencing hatching success and nest survival of Common Cranes based on analyses of long-term individual-based monitoring data from northeastern Germany and evaluate the species ability to adapt to changing environments. Hatching success decreased over the course of the study period from 0.75 to 0.55. Surprisingly, nest survival and hatching success did not vary across different nesting habitats, whereas factors such as female age, timing of nest initiation and breeding pair density were found to have significant effects on hatching success. Older females showed higher hatching success, even though the proportion of unhatched eggs was highest in females aged 20 years or older. Early nest initiation had a positive effect on hatching success. Water levels are more favorable early in the nesting season, whereas increasing evaporation with time causes water levels to decrease, granting easier access for predators. Independently of female age, hatching success decreased with increasing numbers of breeding pairs within a 2-km radius around a nesting site. High population densities intensify competition for resources and promote intraspecific interactions, affecting reproductive outcome negatively. This study gives first insights into mechanisms behind population regulation in Common Cranes, highlighting the importance of population dynamics and individual features. We suggest to further investigate density dependent effects including landscape and habitat features as well as reproductive success in terms of chick survival, since successfully raising juveniles is crucial for a species survival.
Targeted metabolomics has been widely used in pheromone research but may miss pheromone components in study organisms that produce pheromones in trace amount and/or lack bio-detectors (e.g., antennae) to readily locate them in complex samples. Here, we used non-targeted metabolomics—together with high-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS), gas chromatography-MS, and behavioral bioassays—to unravel the sex pheromone of the triangulate cobweb spider, Steatoda triangulosa. A ternary blend of three contact pheromone components [N-4-methylvaleroyl-O-isobutyroyl-l-serine (5), N-3-methylbutyryl-O-isobutyroyl-l-serine (11), and N-3-methylbutyryl-O-butyroyl-l-serine (12)] elicited courtship by S. triangulosa males as effectively as female web extract. Hydrolysis of 5, 11 and 12 at the ester bond gave rise to two mate-attractant pheromone components [butyric acid (7) and isobutyric acid (8)] which attracted S. triangulosa males as effectively as female webs. Pheromone components 11 and 12 are reported in spiders for the first time, and were discovered only through the use of non-targeted metabolomics and GC–MS. All compounds resemble pheromone components previously identified in widow spiders. Our study provides impetus to apply non-targeted metabolomics for pheromone research in a wide range of animal taxa.
Theodoxus fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda: Neritidae) is an oligohaline aquatic gastropod that inhabits most of Europe and adjacent areas of Asia. Two different ecotypes can be distinguished: One in freshwater (FW) and another along the Baltic Sea coast in brackish water habitats (BW). Individuals of either ecotype use free amino acids and urea as organic osmolytes to adjust body fluid osmolality to the external medium; however, the BW ecotype is able to accumulate them in larger quantities. The use of urea as an organic osmolyte in aquatic gastropods such as T. fluviatilis has only recently been initially described and raised the question of how urea transport between body fluids and the environment is balanced. Upon examining transcriptome and preliminary genome sequence data of T. fluviatilis, we identified putative homologues of DUR3 genes, which code for urea transporters (UTs) in other organisms. In this study, we provide evidence for the presence of four different subtypes of DUR3-like UTs that belong to two distinct families. Two of the UT subtypes were subject to qRT-PCR analyses to investigate differences in mRNA expression during the acclimation of individuals of both ecotypes to different salinities. Our results indicate that only BW animals regulate DUR3 gene expression in the context of osmoregulation.
Adaptations, either structural, physiological, or behavioural are essential for the survival of species or individuals in changing environments. For animals that live in two distinct environments, adaptations only persist if they provide advantages in one or both media, and if the adaptations do not negatively interfere with other substantial life functions in any of the media. The ability to flexibly respond to rapid environmental changes within such adapted forms potentially provides safeguards, limiting adverse effects of any impact. This also applies to the sensory modalities of amphibious living vertebrates (e.g., seals (Pinnipedia), crocodilians (Crocodilia), penguins (Sphenisciformes)). They are evolutionarily very well adapted to the aquatic element for foraging but have also kept adaptations that enable them to live on land, where they perform major life history tasks like breeding. It is therefore likely that the hearing and vocal systems are also strongly impacted by living in water and air, as they have different acoustic properties. However, to date, the auditory perception and vocal flexibility of penguins have remained largely unexplored in both media. To address some gaps in our knowledge, this thesis focusses on three questions concerning the ability of penguins to hear in air and their vocal flexibility during the breeding season: 1) can penguins in the wild adjust vocal properties depending on the acoustic environment of their colony?; 2) can captive penguins be trained to perform hearing trials? and; 3) how well can penguins hear in air?
Gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) live in large social breeding groups that can include different species. Because of differences in the acoustic environment of such colonies, the vocal characteristics of Gentoo penguins may differ between colonies that include multiple species and those where only Gentoo penguins breed. To examine differences in vocalisations, the vocal parameters of ecstatic display calls (e.g., frequency, structure, duration) were compared between individual Gentoo penguins breeding in colonies with Adélie (Pygoscelis adeliae) or Chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarcticus) and those breeding in monospecific colonies. Gentoo penguin calls showed a lower frequency and narrower energy distribution when they bred in proximity to Adélie penguins but their calls did not vary when they bred in proximity to Chinstrap penguins, whose vocalisations are more distinct. Even though the underlying mechanisms remain unknown, these results suggest that Gentoo penguins can adjust the parameters of their vocalisations according to the social (and presumably acoustic) environment of their colonies. To validate that these vocal adjustments result from the acoustic environment encountered by penguins in their colony, it is essential to know precisely what they can hear in air.
The most sensitive method to examine the hearing capacity of animals is to train them for psychoacoustic measurements. Such training methods have, however, not yet been applied to penguins and there was considerable uncertainty whether the existing training methods (typically used for marine mammals and terrestrial birds) could be applied to penguins. Moreover, it was unknown how individual differences and environmental conditions could affect their trainability. In this thesis, I describe the successful training of four captive Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) for psychoacoustic measurements over a 48-month period. Monitoring training progress revealed that their trainability depended on individuality, time of day, moult, pairing and daylength.
Penguins have an ear morphology evolved for an aquatic lifestyle. How this morphological adaptation might influence their auditory capabilities in air was previously unknown. Using psychophysical hearing tests in the afore-mentioned Humboldt penguins, I found that their hearing range at 50 % hit rate was below 76 dB rms re 20 μPa between 0.250 kHz and 10 kHz, with the most sensitive hearing at 2 kHz (mean threshold of 15.3 dB rms re 20 μPa, SD = 10.6 dB, n = 4). After a surprisingly rapid decline of sensitivity in all animals at 0.500 kHz (mean ± SD = 64.1 dB rms re 20 μPa ± 9 dB, n = 4), three of the animals consistently detected the 0.250 kHz frequency stimulus again at comparably low sound levels (mean ± SD = 36.8 dB rms re 20μPa ± 2.4 dB, n = 3). Specific aquatic adaptations of penguins therefore do not appear to have strongly limited their hearing capacity in air compared to other aquatic birds.
By combining my studies on two species, one in the wild and one in captivity, this thesis suggests that penguins may be able to adjust their vocal characteristics to the acoustic environment of their colony by adapting towards lower frequency vocalisations. This finding was supported by the unexpected sensitivity in the lower frequency range found here in the trained penguins. The range of acoustic flexibility required by each species for their ecological niche, could depend on morphological adaptations to a semi-aquatic lifestyle, and their phenotypic plasticity. This thesis provides hypotheses on the specific traits that could be involved, and that can now be further elucidated by targeted investigations.
To promptly register future outbreaks of mosquito-borne diseases of humans and animals and to be able to take prophylactic measures if necessary, the examination of German mosquitoes for pathogens is essential. The vector competence of a mosquito can be influenced by, among other things, microorganisms that are part of its microbiome. Therefore, studies of the microbiome of native and invasive mosquito species, which may serve as vectors of a variety of pathogens relevant to humans and animals, is essential. Among these vectors, the mosquito species Ae. albopictus, a neozoic species in Germany, plays a dominant role. This species has been present in Germany since 2007, but it is unclear whether it is an invasive species according to the EU Environmental and Nature Protection Act. The classification of Ae. albopictus as an invasive species could enable control measures for this species to be enforced by law, thereby preventing the spread of this highly invasive vector species. Therefore, it is particularly crucial to investigate different fields of mosquito biology to develop an integrated concept for the protection of the human population. On the one hand, this requires knowledge about the spread of mosquito-borne pathogens. Knowing which pathogens circulate in German mosquitoes and which areas of Germany are hostspots of circulation would make it possible to take prophylactic and timely measures to reduce the risk of transmission to humans and animals. New, efficient, and practicable control measures for mosquitoes must be developed to prevent the establishment of new vector species in Germany and to be able to regulate German mosquito populations if necessary. However, to be able to implement control measures against invasive mosquito species including vector species, their distribution within Germany and their influence on the German mosquito fauna must be investigated. Only when this knowledge is available legal and uniform control measures can be taken. Since these interdisciplinary studies on various aspects of the German mosquito fauna are critical for a holistic knowledge of mosquitoes in Germany, three different aspects of the mosquito fauna are dealt with in this dissertation. These three aspects overlap and thus provide a coherent picture of the German mosquito fauna.
This study aimed to investigate whether Ae. albopictus is an invasive species in Germany using three taxa from the Cx. pipiens complex in a competition experiment. In addition, this study examined the microbiota of Ae. albopictus from German populations and screened mosquitoes that were captured in Germany for human and veterinary viruses. On the one side, these studies are meant to monitor the spread of mosquito-borne pathogens in Germany to enable timely control measures to be adopted. On the other side, the microorganisms registered in Ae. albopictus may help to modify the vector competence of Ae. albopictus or be used to develop new vector control measures in the future.
Accurate population estimates are crucial to developing successful conservation policy, but the underlying data remain difficult to collect for many taxa. This is especially true for elusive species, such as temperate-zone bats, where visual counts in hibernacula underestimate their population to an unknown extent. Infrared light barriers that count all entering and exiting bats at the entrance of a hibernaculum could offer a more accurate alternative for bat population monitoring. We used infrared video recordings to quantify light barrier accuracy (i.e., concordance between light barrier and video registration of entries and exits) at five hibernacula over 30 weeks during autumn and spring. Subsequently, we developed a standardized methodology to estimate light barrier-based population sizes based on the number of emerging bats in spring, and compared these estimates to visual counts at 12 sites. Finally, we calculated confidence intervals around the estimated population sizes, and used these to evaluate population trends using 6-year-long light barrier datasets from four sites. Light barrier accuracy varied based on the model and precise location of the installation, with the best combination achieving near-perfect accuracy across the entire emergence phase. When compared to the resulting light barrier-based population estimates, winter hibernation counts markedly underestimated population totals, recovering less than 10% of the bats at the most complex sites. Moreover, light barrier-based population trends showed regional patterns of growth and decline, which were not evident in the visual counts. This study demonstrates that light barriers can estimate the population size and trends of bat assemblages with unprecedented accuracy, even at large, complex, or inaccessible hibernacula that cannot be precisely assessed with visual hibernation counts. Installing light barriers at a representative network of sites, where their installation does not require large-scale entrance modifications, has the potential to revolutionize bat monitoring and contribute to data-driven conservation.
Species range margins are highly dynamic, changing as a result of complex eco-evolutionary processes. Determining both the abiotic and biotic drivers and the species-specific traits underlying successful range expansions will be vital for predicting future distribution patterns, especially in the current era of anthropogenic environmental change. In pursuit of this knowledge, I used the rapid range expansion of the Mediterranean butterfly species Pieris mannii (MAYER, 1851) into Central Europe as a case study. Specifically, I was interested in studying the relative importance of niche tracking versus niche evolution and the contributions of genetic trait changes and (evolved) phenotypic plasticity within the context of niche evolution. Towards this end, I adopted a multi-methodological approach, including correlative species distribution models (to test for the role of niche tracking in response to climate change; Chapter 1) and common garden experiments. With the latter, I tested for niche evolution in host plant use behaviour, thermal tolerance and life-history traits by comparing replicated populations from P. mannii’s historical and newly established range (Chapter 2). I additionally used the tropical butterfly species Bicyclus anynana (Butler, 1879) to assess how reproductive behaviour is affected by the interaction of temperature and host plant quality, both prone to variations across the range of herbivorous insects (Chapter 3). The results from species distribution modelling revealed that niche tracking, driven by climate change, can be largely ruled out as the primary driver of P. mannii’s range expansion. There was, however, evidence for rapid niche evolution in various phenotypic and life history traits, including female host plant use behaviour. Females from the expanding populations showed increased flexibility in their acceptance and preference for different host plant species, potentially increasing the availability of favourable habitats as connecting “stepping stones” in space and time. The experiments with B. anynana yielded, moreover, interesting insights into temperature-dependent variations in reproductive output on different host plants (reduced fecundity on low-quality host plants under stressfully high-temperature conditions) and a potential trade-off between high selectivity and fecundity. The question of whether these patterns are prevalent in range-expanding species in natural settings warrants further in-depth examinations. Despite shifts in host use behaviour, expanding populations of P. mannii exhibited an enhanced cold tolerance, a trait considered essential for terrestrial ectotherms undergoing successful poleward range expansions in temperate regions. Heat tolerance, however, showed no significant variation across populations, which might indicate a relaxation of selection pressure on upper thermal tolerance limits at higher latitudes. Compared to populations of the ancestral distribution, individuals from range edge populations also exhibited an increased fecundity, frequently characterised as a key trait underlying successful range expansions. As mechanisms underlying trait changes, I identified both (increased and decreased) phenotypic plasticity, demonstrated by increased cold tolerance and accelerated larval development (in individuals of the expanding populations, developing under cool temperature conditions; Genotype x Environment interaction), and genetic trait changes, underlying shifts in host preference and fecundity in reproducing females of range edge populations. With the results of the present thesis, I demonstrate that successful range expansions can be driven by rapid niche evolution in multiple traits, which are associated with abiotic and biotic environmental characteristics. Thus, I highlight the importance of eco-evolutionary dynamics underlying the expression of species-specific "Expansive Phenotypes". Several open questions are discussed and the need for further research, especially concerning potential trade-offs and costs associated with trait expression during range expansion, is underlined.
Hibernation is a widespread adaptation in animals to seasonally changing environmental conditions. In the face of global anthropogenic change, information about plastic adjustments to environmental conditions and associated mortality costs are urgently needed to assess population persistence of hibernating species. Here, we used a five-year data set of 1047 RFID-tagged individuals from two bat species, Myotis nattereri and Myotis daubentonii that were automatically recorded each time they entered or left a hibernaculum. Because the two species differ in foraging strategy and activity pattern during winter, we expected species–specific responses in the timing of hibernation relative to environmental conditions, as well as different mortality costs of early departure from the hibernaculum in spring. Applying mixed-effects modelling, we disentangled population-level and individual-level plasticity in the timing of departure. To estimate mortality costs of early departure, we used both a capture mark recapture analysis and a novel approach that takes into account individual exposure times to mortality outside the hibernaculum. We found that the timing of departure varied between species as well as among and within individuals, and was plastically adjusted to large-scale weather conditions as measured by the NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) index. Individuals of M. nattereri, which can exploit milder temperatures for foraging during winter, tuned departure more closely to the NAO index than individuals of M. daubentonii, which do not hunt during winter. Both analytical approaches used to estimate mortality costs showed that early departing individuals were less likely to survive until the subsequent hibernation period than individuals that departed later. Overall, our study demonstrates that individuals of long-lived hibernating bat species have the potential to plastically adjust to changing climatic conditions, although the potential for adjustment differs between species.