Institut für Baltistik
Year of publication
Document Type
- Book (12)
- Course Material (4)
- Doctoral Thesis (2)
- German (14)
- English (3)
- Multiple languages (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (18)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (18)
- Litauen (10)
- Literatur (10)
- Lyrik (9)
- Übersetzung (9)
- Franzkeit-Edition (8)
- litauisch (7)
- Erzähltheorie (3)
- Erzählforschung (2)
- Linguistik (2)
- Litauisch (2)
Semiosis is the process in which a sign unfolds its effect—the meaning that humans ‘suddenly’ see in acts, objects or facts. The semiotic tenet is applied to the event and the question of why we narrate it. The graphics are dedicated to the author’s contribution: ‘The event and its consequences: a semiotic analysis.’
Der interdisziplinäre Band postuliert eine Macht des Kontextes und erklärt, was darunter verstanden wird. Die Beiträge beleuchten und hinterfragen die Macht des Kontextes in dessen Relationen zu Sprache(n), Gesellschaft(en) und Medien. Dies geschieht teils aus philologischem, teils aus sozialwissenschaftlich-kommunikationswissenschaftlichem Blickwinkel und schließt jeweils mit Thesen zur Macht des Kontextes. Der Fokus in den Beiträgen lässt sich entlang der sozialwissenschaftlichen Ebenen (Mikroebene, Mesoebene, Makroebene) differenzieren. Mit Blick auf die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse eröffnet sich die Perspektive einer breit verstandenen Kontextlinguistik, und es werden Impulse und Anknüpfungspunkte für weitere Forschung in den Einzeldisziplinen sowie für disziplinenverbindende Forschung geboten.
Ausgewählte Lyrik
Grouping pieces of fiction according to various differentiating criteria and ascribing generic names to the result is a taxonomic task that has its counterpart in biology in classifying species. This visual essay is about literary families (not genres) such as ‘science fiction’ or ‘historical fiction.’ I developed three appropriate criteria for positioning a narrative in the ‘mental’ space of written fiction.
The Narrative Framework
Ausgewählte Lyrik
Ausgewählte Lyrik
As much as scholars of Baltic Studies always claim independence for the languages and literature it involves, it is evident that the Baltic and Slavic languages and literature have been and still are in latent contact and exchange. The historical processes have led to interwoven but distinct cultural spheres ‘on the border.’ The interdisciplinary collection of essays follows several borderlines: Teresa Dalecka (University of Vilnius) discusses the Polish literature in Lithuania since 1990 and the environment that created it. • Stephan Kessler (University of Greifswald) sketches a framework of narration and applies it to a story written by Maks Fraj who lives in Lithuania but is from Odessa by origin. • Anna Stankeviča, Inna Dvorecka, and Jekaterina Gusakova (each from the University of Daugavpils) give an overview of Latvia’s Russophone book market and analyse Vadim Vernik’s formula fiction. • Sergei Kruk (Stradiņš University in Rīga) discusses the Latvian concept of linguistic integration that roots in the romantic notions of social homogeneity and language as being a shibboleth for successful integration. • Nicole Nau (University of Poznań) highlights four techniques for the integration of Slavic verbs and verbal derivational affixes into Latgalian, based on material from the 19th to the 21st century.
• Anastasija Kostiučenko (University of Greifswald) investigates how the concept of hybridity can be used to describe and better understand the language area and identity issues in Southeast Lithuania.
Ausgewählte Lyrik