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Background: Little is known about how substance use affects health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in depressed individuals. Here, associations between alcohol consumption and HRQOL in hospital and ambulatory care patients with past-year depressive symptoms are analyzed. Method: The sample consisted of 590 participants (26.8% non-drinkers) recruited via consecutive screenings. Individuals with alcohol use disorders were excluded. HRQOL was assessed with the Veterans Rand 12-item health survey (VR-12). Multivariable fractional polynomials (MFP) regression analyses were conducted (1) to test for non-linear associations between average daily consumption and HRQOL and (2) to analyze associations between alcohol consumption and the physical and mental health component summaries of the VR-12 and their subdomains. Results: Alcohol consumption was positively associated with the physical health component summary of the VR-12 (p = 0.001) and its subdomains general health (p = 0.006), physical functioning (p < 0.001), and bodily pain (p = 0.017), but not with the mental health component summary (p = 0.941) or any of its subdomains. Average daily alcohol consumption was not associated with HRQOL. Conclusion: Alcohol consumption was associated with better physical HRQOL. Findings do not justify ascribing alcohol positive effects on HRQOL. Data indicate that non-drinkers may suffer from serious health disorders. The results of this study can inform the development of future alcohol- and depression-related interventions.
Die Zertifizierung von Zentren für Beatmungsentwöhnung in der neurologisch-neurochirurgischen Frührehabilitation (NNFR) durch die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation (DGNR) ist seit dem 01.10.2021 möglich.
Ziel der Arbeit
Die Ergebnisse der Zertifizierung von Einrichtungen im ersten Jahr nach Aufnahme des Verfahrens werden vorgestellt.
Material und Methoden
Im Rahmen der Zertifizierung werden 28 Kriterien geprüft, darunter eine Reihe mandatorisch zu erfüllender Charakteristika der Einrichtung. Die Kriterien gliedern sich in Strukturkriterien (i = 7), Diagnostikkriterien (i = 6), Personalkriterien (i = 3), Kriterien der internen Organisation (i = 7) und Qualitätsmanagementkriterien (i = 5).
Insgesamt 13 Zentren wurden im ersten Jahr zertifiziert, die zusammen über 283 Betten zur Beatmungsentwöhnung („weaning“) in der NNFR verfügen und im Jahr vor der Zertifizierung 2278 Personen im Weaning betreuten, im Median pro Einrichtung 134 (Bereich [Min-Max] 44–414). Nur selten war das Weaning nicht erfolgreich, sodass vor Entlassung auf eine Heimbeatmung eingestellt werden musste (invasive Heimbeatmung Median pro Einrichtung 10 Personen, Bereich 2–25; nichtinvasive Heimbeatmung Median 0 Personen, Bereich 0–57). Festgestellt wurde ein hohes Maß an Prozess- und Strukturqualität in den zertifizierten Zentren: Über alle Prüfbereiche hinweg waren die Prüfkriterien zu allermeist erfüllt (Median Erfüllungsgrad 86 %) bzw. erfüllt mit von den Auditor*innen dokumentierten Verbesserungspotenzialhinweisen (Median 11 %).
Erfolgreiches Weaning in der NNFR und ein hohes Maß an Prozess- und Strukturqualität lassen sich anhand der Zertifizierungsergebnisse der Zentren belegen, die diesen integrativen Ansatz bei der Beatmungsentwöhnung verfolgen.
Objective: To characterize a socially active humanoid robot’s therapeutic interaction as a therapeutic assistant when providing arm rehabilitation (i.e., arm basis training (ABT) for moderate-to-severe arm paresis or arm ability training (AAT) for mild arm paresis) to stroke survivors when using the digital therapeutic system Evidence-Based Robot-Assistant in Neurorehabilitation (E-BRAiN) and to compare it to human therapists’ interaction.
Methods: Participants and therapy: Seventeen stroke survivors receiving arm rehabilitation (i.e., ABT [n = 9] or AAT [n = 8]) using E-BRAiN over a course of nine sessions and twenty-one other stroke survivors receiving arm rehabilitation sessions (i.e., ABT [n = 6] or AAT [n = 15]) in a conventional 1:1 therapist–patient setting. Analysis of therapeutic interaction: Therapy sessions were videotaped, and all therapeutic interactions (information provision, feedback, and bond-related interaction) were documented offline both in terms of their frequency of occurrence and time used for the respective type of interaction using the instrument THER-I-ACT. Statistical analyses: The therapeutic interaction of the humanoid robot, supervising staff/therapists, and helpers on day 1 is reported as mean across subjects for each type of therapy (i.e., ABT and AAT) as descriptive statistics. Effects of time (day 1 vs. day 9) on the humanoid robot interaction were analyzed by repeated-measures analysis of variance (rmANOVA) together with the between-subject factor type of therapy (ABT vs. AAT). The between-subject effect of the agent (humanoid robot vs. human therapist; day 1) was analyzed together with the factor therapy (ABT vs. AAT) by ANOVA.
Main results and interpretation: The overall pattern of the therapeutic interaction by the humanoid robot was comprehensive and varied considerably with the type of therapy (as clinically indicated and intended), largely comparable to human therapists’ interaction, and adapted according to needs for interaction over time. Even substantially long robot-assisted therapy sessions seemed acceptable to stroke survivors and promoted engaged patients’ training behavior.
Conclusion: Humanoid robot interaction as implemented in the digital system E-BRAiN matches the human therapeutic interaction and its modification across therapies well and promotes engaged training behavior by patients. These characteristics support its clinical use as a therapeutic assistant and, hence, its application to support specific and intensive restorative training for stroke survivors.
Objective: The instrument THERapy-related InterACTion (THER-I-ACT) was developed to document therapeutic interactions comprehensively in the human therapist–patient setting. Here, we investigate whether the instrument can also reliably be used to characterise therapeutic interactions when a digital system with a humanoid robot as a therapeutic assistant is used.
Methods: Participants and therapy: Seventeen stroke survivors receiving arm rehabilitation (i.e., arm basis training (ABT) for moderate-to-severe arm paresis [n = 9] or arm ability training (AAT) for mild arm paresis [n = 8]) using the digital therapy system E-BRAiN over a course of nine sessions. Analysis of the therapeutic interaction: A total of 34 therapy sessions were videotaped. All therapeutic interactions provided by the humanoid robot during the first and the last (9th) session of daily training were documented both in terms of their frequency and time used for that type of interaction using THER-I-ACT. Any additional therapeutic interaction spontaneously given by the supervising staff or a human helper providing physical assistance (ABT only) was also documented. All ratings were performed by two trained independent raters.
Statistical analyses: Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated for the frequency of occurrence and time used for each category of interaction observed.
Results: Therapeutic interactions could comprehensively be documented and were observed across the dimensions provision of information, feedback, and bond-related interactions. ICCs for therapeutic interaction category assessments from 34 therapy sessions by two independent raters were high (ICC ≥0.90) for almost all categories of the therapeutic interaction observed, both for the occurrence frequency and time used for categories of therapeutic interactions, and both for the therapeutic interaction performed by the robot and, even though much less frequently observed, additional spontaneous therapeutic interactions by the supervisory staff and a helper being present. The ICC was similarly high for an overall subjective rating of the concentration and engagement of patients (0.87).
Conclusion: Therapeutic interactions can comprehensively and reliably be documented by trained raters using the instrument THER-I-ACT not only in the traditional patient–therapist setting, as previously shown, but also in a digital therapy setting with a humanoid robot as the therapeutic agent and for more complex therapeutic settings with more than one therapeutic agent being present.
Even with high standards of acute care and neurological early rehabilitation (NER) a substantial number of patients with neurological conditions still need mechanical ventilation and/or airway protection by tracheal cannulas when discharged and hence home-based specialised intensive care nursing (HSICN). It may be possible to improve the home care situation with structured specialized long-term neurorehabilitation support and following up patients with neurorehabilitation teams. Consequently, more people might recover over an extended period to a degree that they were no longer dependent on HSICN.
This healthcare project and clinical trial implements a new specialised neurorehabilitation outreach service for people being discharged from NER with the need for HSICN. The multicentre, open, parallel-group RCT compares the effects of one year post-discharge specialized outpatient follow-up to usual care in people receiving HSICN. Participants will randomly be assigned to receive the new form of healthcare (intervention) or the standard healthcare (control) on a 2:1 basis. Primary outcome is the rate of weaning from mechanical ventilation and/or decannulation (primary outcome) after one year, secondary outcomes include both clinical and economic measures. 173 participants are required to corroborate a difference of 30 vs. 10% weaning success rate statistically with 80% power at a 5% significance level allowing for 15% attrition.
The OptiNIV-Study will implement a new specialised neurorehabilitation outreach service and will determine its weaning success rates, other clinical outcomes, and cost-effectiveness compared to usual care for people in need for mechanical ventilation and/or tracheal cannula and hence HSICN after discharge from NER.
Trial registration
The trial OptiNIV has been registered in the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS) since 18.01.2022 with the ID DRKS00027326.
Person-Centered-Care (PCC) requires knowledge about patient preferences. Among People-living-with-Dementia (PlwD) data on quantitative, choice-based preferences, which would allow to quantify, weigh and rank patient-relevant elements of dementia-care, and identify most/least preferred choices, are limited. The Analytic-Hierarchy-Process (AHP) may be one approach to elicit quantitative, choice-based preferences with PlwD, due to simple pairwise comparisons of individual criteria from a complex decision-problem, e.g. health care decisions. Furthermore, data on congruence of patient preferences with physicians’ judgements for PCC are missing. If patient preferences and physicians’ judgements differ, provision of PCC becomes unlikely. An understanding of patient preferences compared to physician’s judgements will support the implementation of truly PCC, i.e. state of the art dementia-care aligned with patient preferences.
This mixed-methods-study will be based on the results from a previous systematic review and conducted in three phases: (I) literature-based key intervention-categories of PCC will be investigated during qualitative interviews with Dementia-Care-Managers (DCMs) and PlwD to identify actually patient-relevant (sub) criteria of PCC; (II) based on findings from phase I, an AHP-survey will be designed and pre-tested for face- and content-validity, and consistency during face-to-face “thinking-aloud”-interviews with PlwD and two expert panels (DCMs and physicians); (III) the developed survey will elicit patient preferences and physicians’ judgements for PCC. To assess individual importance weights for (sub) criteria in both groups, the Principal-Eigenvector-Method will be applied. Weights will be aggregated per group by Aggregation-of-Individual-Priorities-mode. Descriptive and interferential statistical analyses will be conducted to assess congruence of importance-weights between groups. Subgroup-analyses shall investigate participant-heterogeneities, sensitivity of AHP-results shall be tested by inclusion/exclusion of inconsistent respondents.
Little research is published on quantitative, choice-based preferences in dementia care. We expect that (1) PlwD have preferences and can express these, (2) that the AHP is a suitable technique to elicit quantitative, choice-based preferences among PlwD, and (3) to identify a divergence between patient preferences and physicians’ judgements for PCC. With the help of the AHP-technique, which supports systematic decision-making including multiple criteria, it may be possible to involve PlwD in future care decisions (patient participation) and ensure implementation of truly Person-Centered-Dementia-Care.
Trial registration
Approval of the study was granted by the Ethics Committee at the University Medicine Greifswald the 09Apr2021 (Reg.-Nr.: BB 018–21, BB 018-21a, BB 018-21b).
Determination of the Pathological Features of NPC1 Variants in a Cellular Complementation Test
Niemann-Pick Type C (NP-C) is a rare disorder of lipid metabolism caused by mutations
within the NPC1 and NPC2 genes. NP-C is a neurovisceral disease leading to a heterogeneous,
multisystemic spectrum of symptoms in those affected. Until now, there is no investigative tool to
demonstrate the significance of single variants within the NPC genes. Hence, the aim of the study
was to establish a test that allows for an objective assessment of the pathological potential of NPC1
gene variants. Chinese hamster ovary cells defective in the NPC1 gene accumulate cholesterol in
lysosomal storage organelles. The cells were transfected with NPC1-GFP plasmid vectors carrying
distinct sequence variants. Filipin staining was used to test for complementation of the phenotype.
The known variant p.Ile1061Thr showed a significantly impaired cholesterol clearance after 12 and
24 h compared to the wild type. Among the investigated variants, p.Ser954Leu and p.Glu1273Lys
showed decelerated cholesterol clearance as well. The remaining variants p.Gln60His, p.Val494Met,
and p.Ile787Val showed a cholesterol clearance indistinguishable from wild type. Further, p.Ile1061Thr
acquired an enhanced clearance ability upon 25-hydroxycholesterol treatment. We conclude that the
variants that caused an abnormal clearance phenotype are highly likely to be of clinical relevance.
Moreover, we present a system that can be utilized to screen for new drugs.
Generation of Inducible BCL11B Knockout in TAL1/LMO1 Transgenic Mouse T Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma Model
The B-cell CLL/lymphoma 11B gene (BCL11B) plays a crucial role in T-cell development, but its role in T-cell malignancies is still unclear. To study its role in the development of T-cell neoplasms, we generated an inducible BCL11B knockout in a murine T cell leukemia/lymphoma model. Mice, bearing human oncogenes TAL BHLH Transcription Factor 1 (TAL1; SCL) or LIM Domain Only 1 (LMO1), responsible for T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) development, were crossed with BCL11B floxed and with CRE-ER/lox mice. The mice with a single oncogene BCL11Bflox/floxCREtg/tgTAL1tg or BCL11Bflox/floxCREtg/tgLMO1tg were healthy, bred normally, and were used to maintain the mice in culture. When crossed with each other, >90% of the double transgenic mice BCL11Bflox/floxCREtg/tgTAL1tgLMO1tg, within 3 to 6 months after birth, spontaneously developed T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. Upon administration of synthetic estrogen (tamoxifen), which binds to the estrogen receptor and activates the Cre recombinase, the BCL11B gene was knocked out by excision of its fourth exon from the genome. The mouse model of inducible BCL11B knockout we generated can be used to study the role of this gene in cancer development and the potential therapeutic effect of BCL11B inhibition in T-cell leukemia and lymphoma.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are involved in the modulation of the DNA-damage response (DDR) and upon exposure to ionizing radiation (IR), their expression fluctuates. In this study, we propose a workflow that enables the creation of regulatory networks by integrating transcriptomics data as well as regulatory data in order to better understand the interplay between genes, transcription factors (TFs), miRNAs, and lncRNAs in the cellular response to IR. We preprocessed and analyzed publicly available gene expression profiles and then applied our consensus and integration approach using open source data and tools. To exemplify the benefits of our proposed workflow, we identified a total of 32 differentially expressed transcripts corresponding to 20 unique differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and using these DEGs, we constructed a regulatory network consisting of 106 interactions and 100 nodes (11 DEGs, 78 miRNAs, 1 DEG acting as a TF, and 10 lncRNAs). Overrepresentation analyses (ORAs) furthermore linked our DEGs and miRNAs to annotations pertaining to the DDR and to IR. Our results show that MDM2 and E2F7 function as network hubs, and E2F7, miR-25-3p, let-7a-5p, and miR-497-5p are the four nodes with the highest betweenness centrality. In brief, our workflow, that is based on open source data and tools, and that generates a regulatory network, provides novel insights into the regulatory mechanisms involving miRNAs and lncRNAs in the cellular response to IR.
Injection of intense low-energy reactor-based positron beams into a supported magnetic dipole trap
An increased low-energy positron flux is obtained from the reactor based NEPOMUC source when using its primary beam at energies as low as 20 eV. First experiments with this beam in a supported magnetic dipole trap resulted in the maximum current of injected positrons to date. According to single-particle simulations, remaining limitations in the injection efficiency, observed in the experiment, can be attributed to the spatial spread of the beam. In the first trapping measurements with this beam, top-down asymmetries in the electrostatic trapping potential are found to be detrimental to confinement.